woensdag 30 september 2020

Samen nieuwe perspectieven ontwikkelen

Wauw, wat een fijne ontdekking, deze nieuwe (voor mij nieuw) term: generatieve dialoog. Ik ontdek dit in het initiatief van Yolanda Eigenstein: Humanity Rising Nederland. Ze organiseert elke avond een Zoom-ontmoeting met een aantal mensen wat direct uitgezonden wordt als livestream en wat ook teruggekeken kan worden. Ontstaan vanuit de behoefte om te laten zien en ontdekken hoe het wél kan en wat er wél mogelijk is. En met terugkerend thema: "Mens zijn in grote veranderingen'. 

Heerlijk. hèhè, hier had ik écht behoefte aan zeg. Ik plak deze uitzending hierin omdat ik dit een bijzonder mooie uitzending vond. (o.a. met Diederik Gommers)

In deze gesprekken merk ik dat mijn hoop gestimuleerd wordt en mijn mogelijkheden om constructieve bijdrage te kunnen doen aan de huidige complexe tijd. Heel fijn.
Wat ik ook ontdek is dat ik in de ontmoetingen die ik organiseer onder de noemer van koffiedrinken eigenlijk ook die generatieve dialoog faciliteer. Samen nieuwe perspectieven ontwikkelen.

Not knowing
Not knowing

"Wat je momenteel uitstraalt is momenteel het belangrijkst, zing, dans, en biedt weerstand door kunst, vreugde, geloof en liefde."

Dank aan Marlies Zijlstra hier een bericht van White Eagle, Hopi indigenous (3/16/2020):
“This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you.
If you repent of the problem and consume the news 24 hours a day, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, you will fall into the hole. But if you take this opportunity to look at yourself, rethink life and death, take care of yourself and others, you will cross the portal. Take care of your homes, take care of your body. Connect with your spiritual House.
When you are taking care of yourselves, you are taking care of everything else. Do not lose the spiritual dimension of this crisis; have the eagle aspect from above and see the whole; see more broadly.
There is a social demand in this crisis, but there is also a spiritual demand -- the two go hand in hand. Without the social dimension, we fall into fanaticism. But without the spiritual dimension, we fall into pessimism and lack of meaning. You were prepared to go through this crisis. Take your toolbox and use all the tools available to you.
Learn about resistance of the indigenous and African peoples; we have always been, and continue to be, exterminated. But we still haven't stopped singing, dancing, lighting a fire, and having fun. Don't feel guilty about being happy during this difficult time.
You do not help at all being sad and without energy. You help if good things emanate from the Universe now. It is through joy that one resists. Also, when the storm passes, each of you will be very important in the reconstruction of this new world.
You need to be well and strong. And for that, there is no other way than to maintain a beautiful, happy, and bright vibration. This has nothing to do with alienation.
This is a resistance strategy. In shamanism, there is a rite of passage called the quest for vision. You spend a few days alone in the forest, without water, without food, without protection. When you cross this portal, you get a new vision of the world, because you have faced your fears, your difficulties.
This is what is asked of you:
Allow yourself to take advantage of this time to perform your vision-seeking rituals. What world do you want to build for you? For now, this is what you can do -- serenity in the storm. Calm down, pray every day. Establish a routine to meet the sacred every day.
Good things emanate; what you emanate now is the most important thing. And sing, dance, resist through art, joy, faith, and love."

Of waarom het goed nieuws is dat we geschokt zijn

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